2025 PSG Grant Opportunity
The Pennsylvania Society of Gastroenterology is a private, non-profit organization established to support the practice of gastroenterology in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of West Virginia. The PSG was founded in 1982.
For 2025, we are looking for research proposals in the following areas:
(1) Increasing access and utilization of colorectal cancer screening
(2) Improving value in endoscopic care delivery
(3) Improving access to gastroenterology and hepatology care delivery
Each grant award will be $12,500; possibility of (2) awardees. Grant awardees will receive 50% of funds at the start of the grant and the remaining 50% after a 6-month single page progress report is received and reviewed by the research task force for appropriate progress. All grants are for 1 year.
Must be a PSG member. Be a physician, physician in training (letter of support), or hold an advanced degree (MD, DO, PhD).
Must be held in the field within gastrointestinal disease that impacts the regional patient populations of Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Mentor program: Through the PSG grant process, a physician applying for a grant may request and be provided with a mentor through the PSG.
Grant research proposals should not exceed 3 pages. They should include a Specific Aims, Background and Significance, Preliminary Data, Proposed Studies, and Methods.
Literature cited should be provided separately.
Investigators may be in any stage of their career. Separate budget justification is required.
All grant applicants are encouraged to attend the annual meeting of the calendar year where the recipient will be announced.
All recipients are expected to present their research at the Annual PSG meeting 1 year following the award and are expected to provide a short description of their research for the PSG newsletter (Rumblings).
Recipients are expected to reference the PSG award for any publications that result from the grant.
2024 Grant Recipient
Matthew R. "Skip" Krafft, MD
West Virginia University Medicine
Project Title
PEG-J vs PEJ +/- PEG for Post-Pyloric Feeding With or Without Gastric Decompression: A Dual-Center Single-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial
Grant Process Timeline
PSG research task force reviews submissions and determines awardee(s).
October 1-January 31, 2025
February 1- TBD
Application submission window.
Notifications made to awardee(s).
50% of grant funding sent to institution.
6 month check in; progress report due to research task force for review. Remining funding sent after acceptable progress is determined.
1 year mark; grant closes, final report due to research task force. Present research at the next PSG Annual Meeting and provide a short description for the PSG newsletter (Rumblings).